The last $1 million prize in a holiday-themed lottery scratch ticket game was won by a woman from Boston. Cristela Garcia, of ...
Allegations of cheating and a new lawsuit have lawmakers in Austin considering something a lot of people across Texas may not ...
Over the course of three legislative committee hearings in less than two weeks, state lawmakers peppered the Texas Lottery Commission's top executive with questions about why the agency did ...
A woman from Rhode Island won $1 million playing the lottery in Massachusetts. Lauren Lasso of Pawtucket, Rhode Island won $1 ...
It was a huge Friday for two Nutmeggers who walked away with six-figure lottery wins.A $30 lottery bet turned into a $766,674 ...
The Texas Lottery, one of the largest in the U.S., is facing mounting scrutiny from state leaders over how the winners of an ...
The Government of Kerala oversees the Kerala State Lotteries program. It was founded in 1967 and is the first of its kind in ...
(FOX40.COM) — A high school student is dead after he crashed a car into a tree on Sunday, according to the California Highway ...