Anchor] "Chocolate inflation" has become a reality, with international prices of cocoa soaring due to abnormal climate, raising prices of chocolate-related ...
조합원 투표에서 72%라는 압도적 찬성율로 쟁의권을 확보한 포스코 노조가 오늘과 내일 포항과 광양에서 잇달아 파업 출정식을 엽니다. 다만, 당장 파업에 돌입하지는 않겠다는 입장인데요. 포스코 협력사와 지역사회 등에서 파업 ...
In the next year's budget bill, which was processed by the Democratic Party of Korea by reflecting only the opinions of the ...
더불어민주당이 국회 예산결산특별위원회에서 감액 의견만 반영해 처리한 내년도 예산안에서 국회 몫 특수활동비와 특정 업무 경비는 그대로 유지된 것으로 나타났습니다. 내년도 예산안 수정안을 보면, 국회 특활비 9억8천만 원과 특경비 185억 원은 정부안 대로 반영됐습니다. 앞서 민주당은 특활비와 특경비가 불투명하게 집행되고 있다며, 대통령비서실과 검찰·경찰, 감 ...
An event was held on the streets of Champs-Elysees in Paris, France, to recreate the original Netflix series 'Squid Game.'On ...
Kaya Kallas, the EU's new head of foreign affairs and security, mentioned the idea of sending troops to Ukraine as soon as ...
A total of six people were injured after a collision on the highway led to a second accident.At around 7 p.m. yesterday (1st) ...
While the Yeouido Council, which discussed the resolution of the parliamentary conflict, has been stranded in three weeks, ...
With the National Assembly plenary session scheduled today (2nd), the legal deadline for next year's budget, attention is ...
At around 7 p.m. today (1st), a car driving near the Eonyang Rest Area in the direction of Seoul on the Gyeongbu Expressway ...
As the "Yeouuijeong Council," which discusses the solution to the legislative conflict, was stranded due to the suspension of ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who met with the EU's new leadership, has repeatedly called for the invitation, ...