Gov. Ned Lamont and Connecticut leaders visit India to strengthen economic ties and attract business expansion to the state.
Steve Forbes seconds Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont’s call to rethink the Jones Act, a misbegotten law passed over a century ...
Apart from being the two largest democracies in the world, India and the United States (U.S.) have so much in common, ...
Ignoring a hinted veto, the House voted overwhelmingly for a bill that would provide a supplemental $40 million for special ...
Connecticut delegation led by Governor Ned Lamont visits India to strengthen economic ties with Indian companies and ...
There was a rare sighting at the Connecticut Business & Industry Association’s annual economic breakfast in January. When Gov ...
The special education plan would push CT's budget $100 million over spending cap, said a strongly opposed Gov. Ned Lamont.
It is estimated that roughly 92,000 public school students in grades K through 12 are covered by special education programs ...
Gov. Ned Lamont and several other state officials are crisscrossing India this week on an economic development tour, meant to ...
From half a world away, Gov. Ned Lamont traded barbs with the leaders of his own party in the legislature over a proposed ...
Lamont's proposal aims to safeguard veterans across the state from for-profit disability claim companies known to take ...
The yucks included Lamont and the rest of us making fun of the ridiculous U.S. DOT policy favoring states with "marriage and ...