Il presidente eletto nomina l’americano-libanese come consigliere per la regione. È stato il principale artefice della ...
Today's news: 9 dead in Israeli raids in South Lebanon as ceasefire falters; Truong My Lang's appeal against death sentence rejected in Vietnam, must raise billion to avoid gallows;&nb ...
Le notizie di oggi: 9 morti in raid israeliani nel Sud del Libano mentre vacilla il cessate il fuoco. In Vietnam respinto il ricorso di Truong My Lang contro la condanna a morte, deve raccogliere ...
Ever since the first mobilisation for the war, the Association of Russian Doctors and Gynaecologists had reported that the ...
Fin dalla prima mobilitazione per la guerra, l’associazione dei medici e ginecologi russi aveva comunicato che era molto ...
首尔(亚洲新闻) - 韩国人口的迅速老龄化正在给社会许多领域带来根本性的改变,监狱似乎也不例外。根据司法部今天发布的监狱机构年度报告,去年60岁或以上的囚犯人数为6504人,比2014年的2801人大幅增加。
In northern and eastern Sri Lanka, people held a peaceful day of remembrance on 27 November for their civil war dead. Despite ...
Thailand repatriated the activists a day after detaining them. Once back in Cambodia, they were imprisoned in three different ...
The number of older inmates rose from 2,801 to 6,504 between 2014 and 2023, from 8.4 per cent to 17.1 per cent. For South ...
比什凯克政府也将新加坡视为效仿的典范,但坎恩警告说,“新加坡花了很长时间才成为今天的样子”。有一些基本原则需要遵循,包括去考察和学习其他国家的技术和方法,从美国或英国开始,吸收最好的经验。因此,有必要邀请国际专家来吉尔吉斯斯坦,新加坡政府对此非常重视 ...
Bishop Jallouf describes scenes of chaos as people flee amid blocked roads. About 90 per cent of Aleppo “is in rebel control ...