Ukraine faces its greatest diplomatic challenge yet, as the Trump administration succumbs to disinformation and blames them for the Russian aggression. Eurozine's Réka Kinga Papp discusses this with ...
Ukrainian writer Andrei Kurkov describes his country's uncertainty as US-Russian talks spark fear, internal divisions grow, ...
A state of paralysis seems to have gripped the European politicians. Yet, Trump, Putin, and other far-right leaders have never hidden their fascist project.
As emerging economies rise, the global order shifts from Western dominance to a new multipolar era, challenging past imperial models while the U.S. and Europe grapple with economic and geopolitical ...
Zum ersten Mal hat die CDU versucht, mit Rechtsradikalen gemeinsame Sache zu machen. Proteste dagegen nehmen zu, auf der ...
Europe is facing a shortage of general praticioners. Family doctors are ageing and unevenly distributed, and their profession is struggling to attract new recruits, as data shows.
Depuis les élections américaines, les libertaires radicaux de la Silicon Valley attaquent les efforts de l'Europe pour lutter contre la désinformation.
Après que Donald Trump a répété son intention d’acquérir le Groenland, le risque de désinformation ciblant la population de l ...
El año pasado, cuando Correctiv sacó a la luz una reunión de extremistas de derechas en Potsdam, se demostró que el concepto völkisch (etnonacionalista) de “remigración” ha cobrado más relevancia que ...
Una conversazione “lunga e altamente produttiva”, così Donald Trump ha descritto la conversazione al telefono col suo omologo russo Vladimir Putin del 12 febbraio. La chiamata doveva, in origine, ...
Als „langes und hochproduktives“ Gespräch bezeichnete Donald Trump das Telefonat mit seinem russischen Amtskollegen Wladimir Putin vom 12. Februar. Eigentlich sollte es die Grundlage für dauerhafte ...