A Marmora woman won the Big Boss 2024 bartending title after competing against eight finalists. She used creativity and flair ...
A federal lawsuit filed by two female detectives against the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office claiming discrimination and a hostile work environment has been settled, according to a news report. An ...
Readers are reminded that not only are all individuals listed below presumed innocent unless proven guilty, there may also be ...
Gov. Phil Murphy has signed a bill that makes changes to the state’s primary election system with the primaries just three ...
Cold Spring - 45 days have come and gone and President Trump's order to release the Kennedy files has been disobeyed. I can only think the reason is people want to protect their d ...
Thank you for reading & participating. Spout Off is funded by advertising. Per a CBS News article, "Experts say the bill, which was recently reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, would ...
A month into his presidency, the economy is not a strength for Trump. Five polls ― from CNN, Quinnipiac, the Washington Post, Reuters and Gallup ― show signs ...
Congratulations to the Herald and its staff for winning 16 awards in the NJ Press Association’s contest for 2024. Way to go! You have a wonderful newspaper. Bes ...
Governor Murphy says he cares about the citizens of NJ. However, he proposes a 500% tax increase on growing marijuana products to pay for his crazy green agenda.
I am very familiar with my wife’s family background and have walked around the black houseshe described. When I joined the ...
Once upon a time, in a faraway woods, stood a house. In that house lived a family of five. It would never be on a house and garden tour. In fact, city people would call it a shack. But those of us who ...
A poster on the kitchen wall of a friend read, “If you’re so darned smart, why ain’t you rich,” the clear implication being that intelligent people get rich and also suggesting that if you are rich, ...