In the US, too, firms are developing heat-resistant cattle, pit-less cherries and seedless blackberries. Supporters of the technology say it could reduce animal diseases and suffering and lead to the ...
A UC Davis scientist is trying to bioengineer cow microbes so they produce less methane. Changing how the animals process ...
OPINION: DairyNZ believes that it's time to join the latest agricultural revolution. The history of agriculture is a story of ...
For his 18th century thesis, Carl Linnaeus collected 643 different plant species that were then fed to horses, cows, pigs, ...
New technologies often get pushback from sectors of society. In the 19th century people feared the unknown effects on the ...
Supporters of the technology say it could reduce animal diseases and suffering and lead to the use of fewer antibiotics. They ...
The funds will support ongoing work on Fulcrum, Pairwise's gene-editing platform and efforts to create edited crops with specific traits.
Linnaeus collected 643 different plant species that were then fed to horses, cows, pigs, sheep and goats. The results were carefully compiled but not analyzed until now, 275 years later.
Gene editing is a technology tool New Zealand will need to use to achieve its productivity and climate change targets, says ...
Mice treated with the gene therapy remained cancer-free for at least 100 days and resisted cancer resurgence in a lab test.
Corteva invests $25M in N.C. startup to boost gene-editing efforts, with Pioneer in Johnston playing a big role in making ...
Pairwise has formed a five-year joint venture with Corteva to deploy gene editing tech to increase climate resilience in corn ...