Painting city roofs white could lower the temperature in London dramatically on the hottest days, new research suggests.
John Hu, CEO & Founder of Stan, wins Startup of the Year award at the inaugural Asian Creator Awards. Andrew Ge. On September ...
Researchers show the average surface temperature on our planet has shifted between 51.8 to 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit ...
At times during the past half-billion years, carbon dioxide warmed our planet more than previously thought, according to a ...
The woman's bright hair shines like the Arizona sun, adding a touch of sparkle to their rugged charm. Set against the ...
American astronauts have been able to cast ballots from space ever since the Texas Legislature passed a bill in 1997, ...
If you ask us, it's a cool idea.Why you shouldn't fill bottles all the way to the top before freezing themIf you like to try ...