Hulu’s comedy-drama film ‘Nutcrackers’ revolves around Michael “Mike” Maxwell, who arrives at a rural farm in Ohio to take ...
After a disastrous conclusion to his foray in horror with his doomed Exorcist reboot, David Gordon Green is back to form in ...
Ben Stiller returns from relative dormancy (he hasn’t starred in a movie in seven years!) to headline Nutcrackers (now ...
Directed by David Gordon Green, Hulu’s comedy-drama film ‘Nutcrackers’ centers on Michael “Mike” Maxwell, a Chicago-based ...
Film Review, a movie directed by David Gordon Green, written by Leland Douglas and starring Ben Stiller, Homer Janson, ...
Ben Stiller stars in a tonally bumpy comedy with genre roots in Hallmark territory.
Real-life brothers Homer Janson, Ulysses Janson, Arlo Janson, and Atlas Janson will play orphaned nephews in the film. Green met the Janson brothers through an old friend while driving in ...